Ubuntu 12.04 – service mysql start start: Job failed to start

Recently after a backup restore MySql server failed to start with the following error message: start: Job failed to start To fix start: Job failed to start I had to re-install the MySQL server. I hope you have a backup of your data because you will lose all your MySQL data running the following commands

Ubuntu server no login console

After boot there was no console prompt to login. The issue was related to the VGA resolution. To fix Ubuntu server no login console modify in /etc/default/grub # Grub Resolution GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x24 # Kernel param to set a port to resolution and vertical refresh. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”nomodeset video=VGA:M1024x768@60m” Of course, you can set resolution to suit your needs …